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May Newsletter

We have transitioned to the 2018-2019 board. The new board looks forward to serving our community through the year and building upon what the previous board accomplished.

On May 7th, ballots for the CC&R Amendments were counted and passed by majority vote. Many thanks to all who submitted ballots, as we had a wonderfully high participation rate of 92%. Our attorney will be making the official recording of the amendment.

The board has also voted to adopt the revised TT3 rules and regulations. The complete document has been emailed and is available online at in the document library. Thanks to all who provided feedback and contributed to the process of updating the document for the betterment of our community!

We continue to work on landscaping, and are working closely with KRM for more productive landscaping maintenance hours. We are currently looking into replacing the sprinkler heads on the parkway along Kling with more efficient ones in order to decrease run-off and more efficiently water the plants and grass.

Bids are pending to repair the closure on the gate leading to the pool from the Kling Street side, so that it will close automatically again.

Paint touch-up and stucco repair for the property will be in late May or early June, to be done by Select Painting. Exact dates to follow. This preventative maintenance is budgeted for in our reserves.

Please join the board in welcoming Calista Mendez as our new property manager and point of contact at ONIT. Please contact her moving forward when you need to reach our management company. She may reached at: or by phone at (818) 861-7887.

Our next meeting will be Monday, June 4, 7PM at 4430 Kling.


Tip of the Month: Water Use

Did you know that 70% of our annual water use is outside of the home? When compared with the same period in 2017, our association’s water usage has been reduced by approximately 16% in the first four months of this year. Our plan to switch the sprinkler heads to high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles will help to reduce our water usage even further. Rebates are available for these high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles that apply water more slowly and uniformly to your landscape, encouraging healthy plant growth. This should result in more savings for the association.

Please be conscientious of water usage inside the home, even the smallest bits can add up significantly!

Ways to Save Water Indoors

  • Check all faucets, pipes and toilets for leaks.

  • Install water saving showerheads and ultra-low-flush toilets.

  • Take shorter showers.

  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.

  • Fully load your dishwasher.

  • Wash full loads of clothes.

Follow the link for additional useful details on careful water usage:

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