March Newsletter
Greetings from the board. This is the last newsletter from the current board. Dave Phillips and Hopi Marcum will be leaving their positions of President and Secretary. We would both like to thank you for your feedback and support. When we signed up for the roles we had a vision to update documents, improve process and upgrade maintenance. We would also like to thank Dan Garay and Julie Cooke as they were part of that effort.
You will soon be receiving 2 sets of documents. The CC&R amendments will require a vote. The updated Rules and Regs and Satellite Policy do not. All have been approved by the board, reviewed by our HOA attorney and brought up to current standards. Thanks for taking the time to review. Your vote matters. Dates and information will be clearly stated in the documents.
ONIT Management Company will be making on-site walk throughs and preparing reports for the board.
The incoming board will take up training on My Green Condo (the online tool for communications with the management company), Code of Conduct and updating the Architectural Guide.
The current board is working on a Maintenance Matrix which is widely used by other HOA’s to assignment ownership/responsibility for repair issues.
The board continues to work with KMS on best practices and The Armstrong Center for upgrades to areas that need repair. We will be looking at conservation sprinkler heads.
ONIT is preparing a Record Retention Policy and checklist of key items to retain. We are in possession of stored boxes of material from our previous management company and the old and incoming board will be reviewing for future storage.
Robert Hooven has volunteered to look at our gate closures to adjust for sound if possible. Thanks Robert for your continued efforts on behalf of the complex.
Reminders to use Burbank Bulky for large items. If you have smaller items you want to donate, there are a variety of companies that will pick up at your garage. Vietnam Vets is a great organization and they have an easy to use website or phone. 1-800-775-VETS (8387) or
The Annual Meeting will be 4/9 at Spirit Works 260 N. Pass, Burbank. Doors open 6:30pm, and the meeting starts at 7pm. We hope to see you there.
Tip of the Month: Investment in our Complex
Get to know your neighbors.
Report anything broken to the Management Company.
Report anything suspicious to the police.
Get involved if time permits.
Be informed. Documents are easily available on the website.
Let’s make TT#3 a great place to live.