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Mandatory Termite Inspection - All Units

Our annual termite inspection is scheduled for Friday, December

8th and Saturday December 9th, between 9:30AM and 3:30PM.

Please call Higgins Termite, Inc. at (818)768-2614 by Wednesday, November 22nd to schedule your appointment time during the above dates. They will provide you with a 2-hour window of time to conduct the inspection and any treatment if necessary. Effective, non-toxic treatment options are available. A flyer with more details was recently distributed to all doors by Higgins, but we have also posted it here online for your reference.

This is a mandatory inspection of all units, and the cost is covered by the HOA. Any homeowner who fails to participate will be fined $89. If you cannot be home during the inspections, please contact the board and we will be happy to arrange for a board member to be present at your home for the inspection.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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