Recap: Mid-Year Meeting
First up, big thanks for the large turn out last night. The Board and Management Company really appreciate the involvement and attendance.
Second, a note of gratitude for all those behind the scenes who have contributed to watering, research, projects, photography, walk throughs, cleanup efforts. There are many who are not on the board who have offered service and it is greatly appreciated.
Notes from the meeting:
Dave opened the meeting at 7:09pm
Muriel Barton presented a financial update including operating expenses and the upcoming reserve study. Once received, the board will review costs , budget, and reserve planning for future funding. Unbudgeted items include drip irrigation, legal expenses and landscaping.
Future reserve items to be discussed include fresh water plumbing lines, underground electrical utilities, extending existing pool renovation. Many reserve items have been completed and will now have a long life of service opening up funds for other items.
Building maintenance is an ongoing process. Recently completed is the new drip irrigation system for the interior as well as landscape review and fill in. All roofs will be inspected this year instead of the one building per year plan.
Andrea opening up for any questions on the website and the majority agreed they are happy with the e-mail plan and we will no longer copy and pass out notices or newsletters unless vital and/or urgent.
Future projects for discussion included the following:
a. Solar panels - individual or common use. Al Masters from the management company explained further research would be required due to small individual roof space and long term effect on roof. There are lease and buy plans as well. Technology is changing quickly so open to future review.
b. Exterior landscape improvement - includes drip irrigation, thinning overgrown grasses and filling in bare areas.
c. Termite inspection - will be required by all owners this fall to ensure the safety of the entire complex. Upkeep is the best prevention.
d. Plumbing - This fall we will set up garage line hydrojetting. Cost is still under review. Cameras will be used in each garage to get a clear picture of work required. More to come.
e. Presently we are exempt from a pool fence but if the pool is redone, the permits and insurance will enforce new laws. More research and bids are being done on pool refurbishing.
f. Rules and Regs are still under review balancing information from CC&R's, by-laws, fair housing guide, and Sterling Davis laws. Legal counsel will review.
We want to encourage everyone to consider serving on the board in 2018. Three terms are up March 2018, and 2 remain on the board. It is a good way to invest in our complex, meet new people and learn about projects, finance and legal issues. It is well worth the time to keep our place the best possible.
Meeting closed at 7:51pm