June Newsletter
Video of re-paving work
1. First up…wishing everyone a wonderful and enjoyable summer from the board and Management Company. Please take time to review the pool rules available on our website. Noise echoes in the pool/courtyard area so be considerate of your neighbors.
2. Thanks to everyone (Hortensia, Dan, Dave, Michelle, Eric, Susan, Susanna, Hopi, Andrea) who have helped with watering and landscaping care until we install our drip irrigation system. We are reviewing bids and hope to start mid-July. We continue to invest in landscape upkeep and beautification.
3. Burbank has announced an upcoming increase in water rates. Once we have the new percentage we will review the budget. Burbank has also announced the new sprinkler watering schedule rules (Tue, Thur, Sat prior to 9a or after 6p). As always, please be mindful about water usage. Southern California remains a hot, potential fire/drought area. https://www.burbankwaterandpower.com/
4. New driveways/alleys- thanks again for your cooperation. The newly laid asphalt will get a new seal coat in 4 months after it is cures. Thanks to Dave for overseeing the crews during the process.
5. We are waiting for legal review of the new Rules and Regs prior to distribution making sure they match our CC&Rs. We hope to finish that in the next month.
6. Main Drain clean out is scheduled 7/5. We are reviewing bids and options to offer the house to main drain camera/drain clean out in the future. Some areas have trees which we want to preserve so we need to be proactive with drain maintenance.
7. We are striving for 100% participation for termite checking. Thanks to those who did sign up. For the few left, we are urging you to call the Management Company and comply.
8. Next general meeting is 7/17, 7pm at 4424 Kling.
9. Board is reviewing costs for rat traps/bait with other HOA’s.
10. Board is reviewing the finances, reserves, and reserve study for next projects. Possibilities include pool resurface, pool heater and filter. Additionally our underground electrical wiring needs review as it is original 1965 and the lines are deteriorating.
11. Website- tolucatownhouse3.com password: Kling
Please check into our website! We would like to switch over to paperless next month. We will pass out the summer newsletter but you will also be getting an email. If you do not receive it, please notify the board/management company so we can get everyone on board. Thanks