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Notice of Driveway Re-paving

Our driveway re-paving has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 14 through Sunday, June 18th.

Workers will be removing old asphalt from the driveway between buildings 5 & 6, and areas behind building number 3, then applying new asphalt, which will require two days to harden completely.

The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, June 14th - Remove asphalt

Thursday, June 15th - Remove asphalt

Friday, June 16th - Pave

Saturday, June 17th - Seal

Sunday, June 18th - Curing day

Please note that there will be no driveway or garage access for buildings 3, 5, and 6 (4400-4412, 4424-4438, and 4440-4456 Kling St.) from 8AM on Wednesday, June 14th, until sometime Sunday afternoon.

If you will need your car during this period, please remove it from your garage before Wednesday morning and park on the street during these dates.

The rest of the complex will have no driveway or garage access starting 8AM Saturday June 17th, until Sunday afternoon.

If you will need your car during the weekend, please remove it from your garage before 8AM on Saturday, and park on the street.

When parking on the street, please make sure to remove all valuables from your vehicle and keep it locked for your security.

Also: If you have a hose outside of your garage, please bring it inside for storage during these dates. Please close windows during this time to prevent the excess dust (and noise!) from entering the home. We also recommend papering your garage vents/windows to prevent dust and debris from entering the garage, as long as the air conditioning is not being run for an extended period of time. If you are running your a/c, please keep vents open and clear as blocking the air flow will be problematic for the unit.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this repair, and apologies for any inconvenience caused!

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